How to Set Up and Manage Sudo Permissions | Liquid Web

How to Add and Delete Users on Ubuntu 18.04 | DigitalOcean Sep 12, 2019 sudo mkdir sets root permission | Nov 04, 2017

Nov 13, 2015 · cd / && sudo mv /home /old_home && sudo mkdir /home By default, when you open a terminal window it places you within your home directory. Typing cd / takes us to the root directory and out of home so we can then use the sudo mv command to essentially rename /home into /old_home, and finally create a new, empty /home placeholder.

Sep 12, 2019 · If, instead, you want to delete the user’s home directory when the user is deleted, you can issue the following command as root: deluser --remove-home newuser; If you’re running this as a non-root user with sudo privileges, you would instead type: sudo deluser --remove-home newuser Example chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=r myfile. Thing is I want to set the permissions to the directory. Any help would be appreciated. Seems some of the files I create afterwards are not able to be trashed. $ ls -ld ~/.local/share/Trash/ output $ drwx----- 4 root root 4096 Nov 3 17:37 Answer was $ sudo chmod -R 700 ~/.local/share/Trash. Get a file listing of an unreadable directory: $ sudo ls /usr/local/protected. Run the last command as root, useful when you forget to use sudo for a command. !! grabs the last run command. sudo !! List the home directory of user yazza on a machine where the file system holding ~yazza is not exported as root: $ sudo -u yazza ls ~yazza sudo is a good thing, and a lot of these things don't really require root on a normal basis, so I am curious what you are doing. If you're operating out of your home directory, most changes there should never require root. People suggesting you just escalate to root isn't always the best advice either.

bash - Get users home directory when they run a script as

sudo attempts to change to that user’s home directory before running the shell. It also initializes the environment, leaving TERM unchanged, setting HOME, SHELL, USER, LOGNAME, and PATH, and unsetting all other environment variables.